Another method of uploading documents into FileAssure is the print driver utility. This method is very similar to “printing to PDF” where you will print documents to “FileAssure” instead.
1. Start by opening up the document you’d like to upload into FileAssure
2. Click Print (Ctrl + P) or File > Print
3. Select ‘FileAssure’ from the Printer drop-down list
4. Click Print
A window will pop-up with information for you to fill out to ensure correct filing/naming of the document
1. Always start off by clicking the ‘Refresh Debtor Lists’ button
2. Select the Filename the document belongs to
You can either utilize the drop-down list’s scroll bar, or type in a segment of the filename
3. Select the Folder type you’d like to upload the document into
4. Select a Document Name prefix
5. Type in a descriptive name in the Name text box
6. Click Save
A pop-up window will appear stating that they document has been successfully uploaded