Another method of uploading documents into FileAssure is the print driver utility. This method is very similar to “printing to PDF” where you will print documents to “FileAssure” instead. 

Important: The 'printed' document will always be uploaded as a PDF 


1. Start by opening up the document you’d like to upload into FileAssure

 2. Click Print (Ctrl + P) or File > Print

 3. Select ‘FileAssure’ from the Printer drop-down list 

4. Click Print

A window will pop-up with information for you to fill out to ensure correct filing/naming of the document 

1. Always start off by clicking the ‘Refresh Debtor Lists’ button 

2. Select the Filename the document belongs to 

You can either utilize the drop-down list’s scroll bar, or type in a segment of the filename


3. Select the Folder type you’d like to upload the document into 

4. Select a Document Name prefix

 5. Type in a descriptive name in the Name text box 

6. Click Save 

A pop-up window will appear stating that they document has been successfully uploaded