Setting up Notification Rules

Each template must have a Notification Rule appended to it to follow. The user can create as many rules as desired for ease of access when wanting to send out an SMS message.

  1. Go to Admin > Configurations > Notification Rule
  2. Click Create Rule

You will be presented with the Notification Rule builder as seen below:

Rule Name:  A name given to distinguish between various rules. Example: Meeting Date – Day of Meeting
Medium:  SMS or Email – Choose SMS when creating the SMS notification rule, Email when creating the email rule.
Template Name: Once SMS or Email is selected, this field will populate based on the choice.
Template Type: Once a template is chosen, this will auto-populate either as Meeting Date or Payment Date
Trigger Time: After, Before or Day of – when the user would like the SMS notification sent out in respect to the meeting.
Occurrence: The number of days either after or before the user wants the SMS sent out.
Audience Type: Agent, Client or Both. This is in regard to who the user wants to receive the SMS notification
Active: The activation of the rule. If the user wants to start up the Notification Rule.