Setting up Notification Rules
Each template must have a Notification Rule appended to it to follow. The user can create as many rules as desired for ease of access when wanting to send out an SMS message.
- Go to Admin > Configurations > Notification Rule
- Click Create Rule
You will be presented with the Notification Rule builder as seen below:
Rule Name: A name given to distinguish between various rules. Example: Meeting Date – Day of Meeting
Medium: SMS or Email – Choose SMS when creating the SMS notification rule, Email when creating the email rule.
Template Name: Once SMS or Email is selected, this field will populate based on the choice.
Template Type: Once a template is chosen, this will auto-populate either as Meeting Date or Payment Date
Trigger Time: After, Before or Day of – when the user would like the SMS notification sent out in respect to the meeting.
Occurrence: The number of days either after or before the user wants the SMS sent out.
Audience Type: Agent, Client or Both. This is in regard to who the user wants to receive the SMS notification
Active: The activation of the rule. If the user wants to start up the Notification Rule.