E-mail templates are an important way to define consistent and uniform communications to your debtors. E-mail templates allow you to define the subject, body, and also attach files if applicable.

Creating e-mail templates

  1. Go to Admin > Configurations > Email Templates
  2. Type in a new template name in the text box
  3. Select CRM from the template type drop down menu
  4. Click Add

Modifying e-mail templates

  1. Click the modify button
  2. Type in a subject and a body

    Merge tags can be utilized to create a more personal message.
    a. Click where you want the tag to appear
    b. Drag and drop the tag to the Subject or Body
    See merge tags below for more information.

  3. (Optional) Upload an attachment
  4. Click Update Template

Merge tags

Merge tags offers a way to make the e-mail appear as personal as possible. They allow the system to pre-populate the corresponding merge tag with the actual value.

Merge tagDescription
Debtor's first name
@MiddlenameDebtor's middle name
@LastnameDebtor's last name
@SalutationDebtor's salutation
@HousenumberDebtor's house number
@StreetnameDebtor's street name
@StreettypeDebtor's street type
@DirectionDebtor's street direction
@UnitnumberDebtor's unit number
@CityDebtor's city
Debtor's province
@PostalcodeDebtor's postal code
@HomeareaDebtor's home area code phone number
@HomephoneDebtor's home phone number
@CellareaDebtor's cell area code phone number
@CellphoneDebtor's cell phone number
@EmailDebtor's e-mail address
@LocationOffice location name
@AgentStaff's name taking the appointment
@StatusStatus of the follow up tracking case
@MeetingdateDate of the appointment
@MeetingtimeTime of the appointment